Thursday, May 27, 2010


Yesterday was my birthday.  I made it through another year.  Every year I celebrate my birthday I am amazed I made it. I am so lucky to be here.  Everything I have been through, I shouldn't be here, but I am and very happy about it.  Not so happy about the tiny lines that are starting around my eyes but I can't have everything. LOL 

Kodiak was beautiful for me the sun was out, wind was calm and the ocean looked like glass.  We had a cruise ship come in and the ferry came in and docked right after they left.  So it was a good day for the all the tourist.  Kodiak isn't green yet, but it is getting there.  A few more weeks and everyone will know why it is called the Emerald Isle. 

Crab Fest Starts today.  Let the fest begin!!!  You know who the locals are, they are the ones in line with food in each had and waiting in line to get more food.  VFW will be selling funnel cakes and fried Twinkies, snow cones, CPOA will selling brats, but most hope they will have the turkey legs back.  I heard from a little birdy they will.  We'll see.  King crab will be on the menu, dough buoys, bruin burgers..and the list goes on.  I hope to take pictures of the USCG when they put on their show that is always fun and hopefully I can make the parade. 

I have to post a picture later of the halibut Karen gave me.  I can't wait to hang him up in the kitchen.  Halibut is my favorite fish.  Yummy in my tummy.  Can't wait to go halibut fishing!!

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