Well it has been awhile since I have been here. My Dad had his surgery and is doing well. He had two tumors that were different types of cancer, but they got it all and he stopped smoking. So that is good news. I am still a little mad that it took this to make him stop. My nagging never did. I hate smoking, have since I was tiny made my mother stop when I was three years old by telling her she could not kiss me any more because she smelled bad. Well it worked on her but not my Dad. But he has always known he could not smoke around me I just would not put up with it. Yuck, never dated a smoker, kissing one would be like licking an ash tray.
On with better things. I have been so busy. My little hobby has been very time consuming this summer and I will spend most of Feb, March and April getting ready for the next cruise ship season. I have spent the last part of Sept, Oct, Nov, and now working on Santa to the Villages Program. I like keeping busy but I am ready for a break. We do an auction to raise funds for the program first and then we do the work to get ready to deliver the all the presents and other items to the villages so it takes several months to do everything. There are just a couple of ladies who do an tremendous amount of work and the rest of us do a lot of work.
Well I hope to do better at keeping up. Let the giggling begin!!!
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