Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Santa to the Villages

Elfs headiung to the helios.

Cell phone tower.

Crew waiting for the helio to be taken out on flight line.

The pilots were all sitting together when this little fellow walked up and waved his hand for them to
move over and he climbed up and sat between the pilots and made himself at home!

He was the center of attention, and had a long conversation with all of the pilots.
He was adorable.

The kids at Karluk sang Santa and his elves a wonderful rock and roll Christmas song.
When they finished Santa got in on the action to have his picture taken with them.

This is in Larsen Bay, as soon as possible they were running to the helio to greet Santa.

As soon as they got to Santa there were lots of shrieks of laughter and Santa did not lack a hug!


  1. I love your pictures and stories! Very interesting.

  2. Love the pictures of the kids! Great way to bring the reason of the season to the kids. Hope you get to do this again.
